Tuesday, October 4, 2011

October Book Project

We are doing an October Book Project!  It's called "Hidden Message", and it will be based upon a mystery book of each 4th grader's choosing.  We had Library today, and hopefully everyone checked out an appropriate book.  If not, I'm giving them until the end of the week, at which time I will make a strong suggestion as to which book they should read.  (That really means that I will pick one for them!)

An instruction sheet was handed out this morning.  You can download your own copy here:

October Book Project: "Hidden Message"

The directions are fairly clear, and we went over them this morning.  I also showed them several examples of great projects and a few not-so-great projects.  Here are a few pictures of a great one:

The Hidden Message project as seen from the cover.

Showing each of the four required pages.
The inside shown, with the secret flaps lifted.
The first step, however, is to READ THE BOOK!!  This will prove to be the biggest challenge for many.  It would be great for them to read a little bit each evening, and then work on the project during the last week of October.  We won't be devoting any class time to this.  Students should complete this at home, or when they have some extra time at school.

The project is due on Monday, October 31st.  Each student will make a short presentation to the class about their book and show off their awesome Hidden Message Project!

Feel free to contact me with any questions that you might have!

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