Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Oaklawn Acorn Dash

The 2nd Annual Oaklawn Acorn Dash will take place on Saturday, October 15th.  The 5K run starts at 9:00am, followed by the 1 Mile Fun Run at 10:00 am.  There will be all kinds of fun things going on that day, including music provided by my band, The Cutaways!  All of the action takes place right here, at Oaklawn Elementary School.

Here's the thing, though...the students of Oaklawn have a bit of work to do between now and then.  This our main fundraiser for the school year.  The PTO/P.R.I.D.E. folks have been working their (squirrel) tails off making preparations and securing sponsors for this big event.  This is a big deal.  Oaklawn students are asked to raise money by getting pledges from family members and friends.  Please help them and encourage them and explain to them that the money they raise goes right back into the school, where we use it for field trips, technology, playground equipment, and many other things.

The pledge envelopes went home on Friday, September 2nd, and they need to be returned by Friday, September 23rd (hopefully full of money!)  If you need a replacement envelope, let me know and I will send one home.  If you absolutely can't raise any money for the cause, please send your empty envelope back for accountability purposes.  The kids earn raffle tickets for a prize drawing based on the amount of money that they raise and turn it. (See the gold colored sheet in your pledge envelope.) 

The kids really haven't been talking much about this.  This past Thursday, our principal Mrs. Smith stopped by with our school mascot Lucky the Lion to remind the kids about the Acorn Dash, and to hopefully drum up a little enthusiasm for the event.

Please consider supporting our great school by helping to raise money and by coming out on the day of the race.  Even if you're not a runner or a walker, there's still plenty of fun stuff to do!  The race organizers are also looking for volunteers to help out on the day of the race.  Anything you do to help will be much appreciated! 

I'm running in the 5K again this year, so I better get out and start training!

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