Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Cows on the Loose!

The 4th graders at Oaklawn Elementary are participating in a project called "Cows on the Loose!"  Each student has decorated a paper cow cut-out, and created a "travel journal" to go with it.  The cows will be mailed out from school to a friend or relative of each fourth grader.  It could be someone who lives in another part of the state, or in another part of the country, or even another part of the world.  Hopefully, the friend or relative receiving the cow will take a photo of the cow near or amidst an important place or landmark in their area.  Then, that person can e-mail the photo back to our classroom at the following address:  Also, we hope that the person will take a few moments to write out an entry in the cow's travel journal. Don't worry, there is a complete set of instructions that travel with the cows!

After the friend or relative is done with the cow, we ask that they send it on to someone else, in perhaps a different geographic location.  In this way we will accumulate pictures and information about all kinds of different places!

Clearly, this project only works if the cows keep moving, so any help you can give toward that end would be appreciated.

Click here for a copy of the letter that is mailed out with each cow (it's stapled securely into the Travel Journal that will accompany the cows.)

You will be able to track each cow's travels and adventures right here:

Cows on the Loose!

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